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Detox Products

Why Everyone Should Detox

August 30, 20249 min read

Did you know there are over 80,000 approved chemicals in the US and most are toxic to humans?

Here’s the problem you face: Our world is getting more and more toxic by the day, and our poor detox organs (think liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphatic system) weren’t made to deal with this level of toxicity.  

These toxins are poison and are putting chronic stress on every cell, organ, gene, and system of the body. They cause inflammation, weaken the immune system, steal your energy, and cause imbalances that cause countless symptoms.

Overburdened and stressed-out organs don’t function optimally!

This means you’ve got low energy, skin issues, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, brain fog, joint pain, anxiety and nothing seems to be working to help you overcome these symptoms.

You’ve tried fad diets, random supplements, over-dieting, but these don’t work because they aren’t getting to the root of the problem. 

If you don’t reduce your toxic load, you’ll just get sicker and sicker.  The more toxic you are, the more symptoms you’ll experience and the harder it will be to reach optimal health.

It’s frustrating and overwhelming when you feel like you’re doing the work and have tried everything, yet nothing is working.

I felt the same way before diving into IHP and understanding root causes and the primary cause of most symptoms in the body!

Luckily there is now an amazing solution that has helped 10s of 1000s of others experience more energy, better sleep, less stress, and so much more.

It’s called a Functional Medicine Detox and it’s a total game-changer for your health, both mentally and physically.

Quick disclaimer:  Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you purchase after clicking on the link, I will receive a small commission. This allows me to support you as I do, and I greatly appreciate your support!

Benefits Of A Functional Medicine Detox

The list of potential benefits could fill an entire blog based on the trickle-down effect healthy cells and healthy organs have on everything else, but here are just a FEW of the benefits others have seen:

  • Lots of energy so you can get the most out of your days which means you can play with your kids more, go out with friends, and take that trip you’ve been wanting!

  • Clearer thinking & focus so you can show up and feel more present which means you can enjoy every experience more

  • Improved digestion so you can enjoy your meals more without the discomfort caused by digestive symptoms

  • Balanced hormone levels so you can feel more balanced which means everything will work better

  • Deeper sleep so you can wake up refreshed after a night of repair and recovery which means you’ll feel ready to take on your day

  • Clearer skin so you can feel more confident in your own skin

  • Weight loss so you have more energy and improve all areas of health

  • Lower stress levels so you can go into every situation more calmly and manage everyday stressors better

  • Improved liver and gut function so you can have more energy, a stronger immune system, lower inflammation, and feel AMAZING

  • + SO much more!

This detox is a complete mind and body reset, and the first step on my roadmap to helping anyone feel amazing and get closer to reaching their health goals.

When you commit to yourself and are ready to experience the benefits others have, I’m here to support you on this journey!

Who I Am, and How I Can Support Your Detox Journey

Hi I’m Lisa, a functional medicine practitioner! I help busy hard-working moms reduce their stress and anxiety by improving gut health, balancing nutrient deficiencies and detoxing the body! 

When you detox with me, my job is to make you successful! I WANT you to experience real transformation as I’ve seen with countless others, and I go above and beyond to support you before, during, and after your detox.

✔️ You’ll get exclusive access to my private group so you can detox as part of a community and get daily support.

✔️Detox support tips! I'll be sure to set you up for success with everything you need to know!

✔️ You’ll get free Zoom calls with me to help you on your journey

And much more!

This Detox Is A Total Game-Changer

Cleaning out the liver and the rest of your tissues with a Functional Medicine detox is the first step on any healing journey and the first thing I recommend to anyone looking to get well or overcome their symptoms

It’s a powerful reset and kickstart, making all other healthy habits more successful.

When I was suffering from horrible brain fog, low energy and skin issues, I tried almost everything to get some relief. 

My life and symptoms changed when I found Functional Medicine Detoxes and completed my first 21-day detox.

I saw results within the first 7 days, and countless clients experienced fast and lasting results. 

But don’t take my word for it…

"I can't believe how good I feel, since doing the detox, I haven't even noticed any joint pain, my range of motion has improved at the gym and I even ran a mile and felt great!"

"My energy improved, my sleep improved, I don't have brain fog during the day, it's amazing"

"I lost 15 lbs doing the 21-day detox"

Survey Results Don’t Lie

We did a poll of how people felt BEFORE their detox on a scale of 1 to 10, and how they felt AFTER.

BEFORE detoxing:  The average person was at a 4 out of 10 (NOT great).

AFTER detoxing:  The average person was at a 9 out of 10!!!!  A NINE!!

What else in the world can take someone from a 4 to a 9 in under a month?!?  NOT MUCH!!

If you’re ready to detox, order your detox here!

What Does The Detox Actually Look Like?

This is so much more than a juice cleanse.  It’s a Functional Medicine protocol with the best products and ingredients created by Dr. Stephen Cabral, board-certified Doctor of Naturopathy, Founder and CEO of Equilife, and Founder of the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute.

Over 250,000 people worldwide have gone through this detox with real, lasting results, and I am one of them.

It combines:

➡️ Fasting 

➡️ Healthy habit change

➡️ Herbal supplements

➡️ Clean nutrient-dense food

➡️ Mindset shifts

AND, provides your body and cells with all the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants, and herbs it needs to support your cells and detox organs as they help remove toxins from the body.

Are You Ready For Real Transformation?

If you’re ready to take this step, take your health into your own hands, and kick your fatigue, brain fog, achy joints and bloat to the curb…

You can order your Functional Medicine Detox here.  If it’s your first time, I always recommend a 21-day detox to empty your rain barrel and years of built-up toxins.

BUT, keep in mind certain populations should not detox…read below to make sure it’s the right time for you, and always check with your healthcare provider to make sure it doesn’t counteract any medications.

Who Should Not Detox?

Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are:

  • Under 18

  • Pregnant or lactating

  • Have liver or kidney disease

  • Have gallbladder conditions

  • Have appendicitis

  • Have an eating disorder

  • Have type 1 diabetes

  • Or if your medications are contraindicated with any of the ingredients in the detox

Want To Learn More?

I have compiled several resources to help make your detox experience a little easier!

  • Preparing for your detox - helps you prepare your mind, body, family, kitchen…

  • Detox FAQs - you can find answers to most of your questions here!

  • What to expect during your detox - what the days will look like, what to do if you have symptoms, etc

  • After your detox - how do you build on your results and maintain feeling amazing?

  • How to live a detox lifestyle - learn how to love and support your liver

This is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your health.

If you haven’t already, make sure to order your detox here!

If you decide to detox, send me a message here info@lisachapekwellness. I want to make sure I can provide you as much support as possible and get you in on my detox group!

Let’s do this! 

Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook @lisachapekwellness

P.S.  Want to learn more about your liver?  I just couldn’t help it….

More About The Importance Of Your Liver

Your liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the body. It is associated with over 500 vital bodily functions, winning the award as the body’s ultimate multitasker!

Your liver is a detoxification powerhouse and acts as a filter, removing toxins from your blood to be excreted through the digestive system. It also…

  • Produces bile, a fluid essential for digestion and keeping bad bugs at bay

  • Stores and releases glucose when your body needs quick energy

  • It helps maintain blood sugar levels

  • Metabolizes nutrients, vitamins, and minerals

  • And 100s of other things

The liver does a LOT of things, and it’s important we support it so it can do all its jobs optimally and improve the overall health and functioning of every cell and organ in the body!

Here’s the problem

Your liver is powerful, but it’s constantly under an enormous amount of stress, and without living a detoxing lifestyle, you’re adding more and more stress to it every single day.

Our modern world is FULL of toxins; our body is full of things CREATING toxins, and the more toxins your liver has to process, the more stress it’s under.

Your goal is to reduce the toxic burden on your body on a daily basis by lessening the toxins you’re exposed to AND by lessening the toxins already in your body.  

When toxins constantly bombard your liver, and you can’t remove them as fast as they are added, it starts to back up.  When that happens, it pushes those toxins back into your bloodstream, which are then deposited throughout your body, causing cell damage, stealing energy, and causing a whole host of symptoms. 

This is the LAST thing we want!

Supporting your liver several times a year with a Functional Medicine Detox is one of the most powerful things you can do for your health.

Functional Medicine DetoxDetoxHealth CoachBrain FogJoint PainFatigueStressBloating
Lisa Chapek is the owner and founder of Lisa Chapek Wellness

Lisa Chapek

Lisa Chapek is the owner and founder of Lisa Chapek Wellness

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